Unit 1 |
MG 1.1 Course FAQs |
Unit 2 |
MG 1.2 Genetics Nuts and Bolts |
Unit 1 |
MG 2.1 What are Dogs? |
Unit 1 |
MG 3.1 What is a breed? |
Unit 2 |
MG 3.2 Why is breed preservation important? |
Unit 1 |
MG 4.1 What is in the gene pool? |
Unit 2 |
MG 4.2 How big is the gene pool? |
Unit 3 |
MG 4.3 Defining the gene pool |
Unit 1 |
MG 5.0 Quiz 1: Breeds and gene pools |
Unit 1 |
MG 6.1 Wrights Coefficient of Inbreeding |
Unit 2 |
MG 6.2 Simple calculations of COI |
Unit 3 |
MG 6.3 What does Coefficient of Inbreeding (F) mean? |
Unit 4 |
MG 6.4 Quiz: Coefficient of Inbreeding |
Unit 1 |
MG 7.1 The price of inbreeding |
Unit 2 |
MG 7.2 Inbreeding and mutations |
Unit 3 |
MG 7.4 Is that genetic disorder a "problem" in your breed? |
Unit 4 |
MG 7.3 DNA tests for genetic disorders |
Unit 1 |
MG 8.1 Hardy-Weinberg Law |
Unit 2 |
MG 8.2 Applying Hardy-Weinberg to breeding strategies |
Unit 3 |
MG 8.3 Popular sires |
Unit 4 |
MG 8.4 Breeding strategies |
Unit 1 |
MG 9.1 Genetic drift |
Unit 2 |
MG 9.2 More genetic drift - Part 2 |
Unit 1 |
MG 10.1 Inbreeding in humans, livestock, pets, and research animals (videos) |
Unit 2 |
MG 10.2 Using the Inbreeding and Kinship Coefficients |
Unit 3 |
MG 10.3 Assessing the genetic health of breed |
Unit 4 |
MG 10.4 Mean kinship |
Unit 1 |
MG 11.2 Effective population size |
Unit 2 |
MG 11.1 Population estimates of diversity |
Unit 1 |
MG 12.1 Breed studies of genetics |
Unit 2 |
MG 12.2 Population genetics of the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever |
Unit 3 |
MG 12.3 Population genetics of the Icelandic Sheepdog |
Unit 4 |
MG 12.4 Chinook genetics |
Unit 5 |
MG 12.5 Afghan genetics |
Unit 6 |
MG 12.6 What do the numbers mean? |
Unit 1 |
MG 13.1 Genetic management: basic strategy |
Unit 2 |
MG 13.2 Genetic management: breed examples |
Unit 3 |
MG 13.3 Genetic analysis of UK breeds |
Unit 4 |
MG 13.4 Fundamental principles of genetic management |
Unit 1 |
MG 14.1 Heritability |
Unit 2 |
MG 14.2 Breeding values |
Unit 3 |
MG 14.3 Estimated Breed Values Example |
Unit 4 |
MG 14.4 Do estimated breed values work? |
Unit 5 |
MG 14.5 Cornell EBVs |
Unit 1 |
MG 15.1 Are you ready to be a breeder? |
Unit 2 |
MG 15.2 Ready for Master Breeder? |
Unit 3 |
MG 15.3 Congratulations! |